Sunday, March 1, 2015

What a month! Feb. 2015

What a month Feb has been for me. I had a complete knee replacement on the 5th, spent four days in Bloomington Hospital, then transferred to IU Paoli for therapy for five days. My sister and her husband brought me to their home on Friday the 13th. They should have known better!
They got up to a cogged toilet which had to be replaced. Predictions were for a snowfall measuring above a foot were made. They were bringing me and my bum leg into their busy life. They should have known better!
Deb picked me up in my Jeep since we weren't sure I could stoop to getting into a sedan with the leg. We drove to the top of Paoli to The Inn on the Hill. There was a bit of snow clinging to the frozen ground, so she drove right thru the yard to the front porch. Curb service. All was well. Then came Sunday...
So much snow, everything canceled for Monday and Tuesday. Post-op check with surgeon, PT appointment, Buck's colonoscopy. We hunkered down, laughing at the weather. Another big blow on Wednesday stopped us again, but I was exercising and doing therapy just fine. Deb cooked and we ate every hour or so. It was good. By Thursday she says I threatened her with my cane, I continue to deny that, but whatever... I've been home alone for two months and find it challenging to listen to TV nonstop, maybe.
So Friday Sis decides we are going to go buy a car. Of course, they own the dealership so it was simple. My first time outside since knee surgery, 10 inch incision down my leg, coldest day of the winter, 8 inches of snow, I'm going to buy a car! Yeah, that sounds right. Actually, they had ordered my car weeks ago and it was ready to be picked up so off we went. It is a nice car, I like it. Chevy Equinox, white with brown/black leather, sun roof, all the bells n whistles. I'm ready for a road trip, except I cannot drive yet. Still no post-op check.
Then Saturday we wake to ice covering our Inn, the hill, the roads, the world. Followed by inches and inches of big heavy snow. It is a lovely scene laid out below us, Norman Rockwell could paint it,
Robert Frost could put in on paper in rhyme. Edgar Allan Poe could make it into a horror story.  I'm
thinking I'll never see my home again, never get away from the TV, never drive my new car ( insert big wet teardrops here).
By Monday the ice was melted except for the long winding drive from The Inn to the highway! But we daring drove down anyway. Our daddy didn't raise no cowardly wimps! The appointment with the surgeon went very well, he was impressed with my progress and Deb's nursing abilities. I was going home...alone! After stopping at the grocery to restock my fridge, Deb took me home. Amazingly, the little house was fine, the drive was plowed down to the gravel (thanks to my lovely neighbors) and the ramp was shoveled free of ice (thanks to my sweet son).
Tuesday I drove my new car to my first therapy session in 11 days, I was expecting pain and disappointment, but the therapist was impressed with my progress and gain in movement! Only one exercise hurt and hurt bad! Not even my knee, but my hip. Ouch, I hope that's not going out too. We added eight more exercises to my program, each designed to strengthen my legs and core muscles. I cannot believe I'm finally on my way to fit at 65. 💪
My days have settled into a quiet routine, trying to stay warm, limber and on target. I've sewn a bit, cleaned a bit and read way too much. This week begins twice a week workouts at therapy, putting final touches on Mom's house and showing it to the friends who want to buy it and pushing myself to get out and about more. I tend to morph into a recluse when I don't have things on my agenda, not a problem for me, but my family doesn't agree. Debbie doesn't like my spooky-eyed look! I'm fine, really, I just wish the weather would turn off to Spring or even late Winter. This deep freeze is killing me.
I have Spreak Break planned with my good friend in Gulf Shores for late March, a week in Cape San Blas with sisters and aunts in April and am heading back to OZ in June. I just need the patience to wait. Keeping my head up and my eyes clear. Talk to me, Ladies. Love, Hedy


Milk House door said...

What a winter, indeed! Finally some spring like weather today after so much cold and snow.

Girls, we must get together this spring! I Miss you all terribly and need some Gaggle love, as I'm sure you all can relate. It's so difficult with babies and husbands Inwonder how we ever made it through ISU without breakdowns and more tears.

Life is slower now that basketball is over. We are all learning to adjust until it all becomes chaotic again with track and travel ball. To think my Jordan is almost finished with his freshman year of high school stops me in my tracks at moments. Trenton is shining in middle school, such a smiley, caring kid. there are days I can't help but wonder what I've done to deserve such wonderful kiddo's. I'm trying to enjoy every moment of it while I have it. Tomorrow they'll be off to college.

Hedy, we are heading to North Carolina for break. I'll get in touch with you next week and see if we can stop in along the way. My boys all talk fondly about our visit with you and Stephen a few years ago on our way home from spring break.

Love to all xoxo

Hedy King said...

Your boys are great, Al and you deserve great kids. You and Rex are wonderful people. Let's make a Spring Gagglefest happen, somewhere central to you all. I can travel north. Love you.